What is aaHMSvc.exe

  • Ankita 
  • OS

ASUS Motherboard Utility is a utility software by ASUS and aaHMSvc.exe is the executable file for this software aaHMSvc.exe refers to ASUS ATK Hotkey Motherboard Communication Service. The system is responsible for regularly updating BIOS and other device drives in ASUS computers. It is a software that is already installed with the desktop computers and laptops that are manufactured by ASUS.

aahmsvc.exe file information

aaHMSvc Full Form = ASUS ATK Hotkey Motherboard Communication Service

File Location

The aaHMSvc.exe file is usually located in a sub-folder of C:\Program Files. It has also been reported to give errors at the time of booting the computer in some cases. The file is not necessary for the system to run and hence could be uninstalled from the system in case of errors.

If the file is not located in its default location, it may be a threat to your system and should be deleted.

Functions and Uses of aaHMSvc.exe

ASUS is a Chinese company that manufactures computers, mobile phones and accessories and is the fifth largest in the world. aaHMSvc.exe is a system file for a software by ASUS that works with the Windows processor installed in the system and runs by default when the system is booted. The utility program is responsible for running the communication processes that are needed for ASUS Motherboard Utility. However, it is not a process that is necessary for the working of Windows on your system.

How to remove aaHMSvc.exe form OS?

Many users have complaint that the aaHMSvc.exe file slow down the operating system. However, please note that this executable file comes by default with Asus computer. Thus, if you are to disable or remove it from Windows 10/7/XP, then only take further step.

Method 1: Search and Delete

  • Press ‘Windows button + F‘, this will open Search Result option.
  • Type “aaHMSvc.exe” at top Right Hand Side and hit Enter.
  • It will show the file, Right Click on it >> Delete.


  • Make sure to take the system backup by running ‘Backup and Restore’ option.
  • Make sure that all system files are not kept hidden, so that the Result Option will be able to show the exe file.

Also check wmiprvse.exe

Method 2: Run System Restore Option 

System restore settings in Windows OS

  • For Windows 10/8/7, Click on Start Button
  • Type ‘System Restore‘ and click OK.
  • An option will appear “How do I choose a restore point?”
  • Choose a particular date that you want to restore your computer.
  • Click Next and follow steps, it might take several minutes to restore the system.


Overall, the aaHMSvc.exe is not a virus or malware, but more like an application that comes with Asus motherboard. Don’t delete it until you are sure that aaHMSvc.exe is slowing down or creating issues with you computer.



Founder and Writer @ WinOSBite. Future plan is to make this platform open to community to resolve and discuss various issues, usage related to Operating System.

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