What is ngentask.exe? File Location & How to Fix Error?

  • Amar 
  • OS

The ngentask.exe file is an integrated part of the Windows 10 Operating System. This file is safer in most cases unless you would install a corrupt version of it, delete it or move it, in which cases it may affect your system ability too.

In short ngentask.exe process belongs to Microsoft .NET Framework

You have to decide whether the ngentask.exe is a Trojan file or any other operating system based on a number of factors. If this ngentask.com is a Trojan file, then you have to remove or uninstall it. However, if it is only a windows operating system, then sit back and relax as this type of ngentask.exe application is trustworthy.

File location and size of ngenatsk.exe

The executables file named ngentask.exe optimizes services belonging to Microsoft .Net framework. Ngentask.exe file is very important to have on any Windows operating system, and this executable file severely causes common problems to your computer.

This executable file can be found in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319. It is a subfolder of Windows.

This ngentask.exe application is particularly known as a system file belonging to the Windows core system. It is a trusted application of Microsoft. Partially this file cannot be visible but is signed on digital versions.

  • Filename:ngentask.exe
  • Version: 4.6:79.0
  • Size:83.16 kB (85160 B)
  • Description: Microsoft .NET Framework optimization service
  • Product version: 4.0:30319.0
  • Type: 64-bit
  • Language: English

Multiple versions of ngentask.exe are available in Windows 10. If you disable it, it may harm your computer.

Usage of ngentask.exe

Ngentask.exe application file is an instance running application program. This application works under its Windows system account. This .exe file executes extreme privileges on your local computer. It also works as a network on your computer. Negentask.exe is a type of software program that was installed without any intervention on the system.

Always, you have to verify that this file can be located on a hard drive. This folder related to the hard drive is also shown as ngentask.exe. It is seen that the different versions of ngentak.exe files are located in multiple folders.

Common errors of ngentask.exe

There are several common errors found in the ngentask.exe file. Those are:

  • ngentask.exe – Application error: it is located as a program code with faults. It gives error signals to the respective application developer.
  • Error: for this error, a DLL file is needed.
  • ngentask.exe – Access denied: it is represented as antivirus, which may harm your device or your software.
  • ngentask.exe – Application error: it is known as an illegal software application.

Other errors found in ngentask.exe are:

  • ngentask.exe – Bad Image.
  • Dilw could not be found.
  • The process is not running.
  • File could not be installed.
  • ngentask.exe could not be launched. Class not registered.

How to disable or uninstall it

It is very necessary to find the common errors of ngentask.exe, and then you have to decide how to fix those errors. It is the key principle to resolve those issues. The ngentask.exe file not only affects the start-up procedures but also encounters several runtime errors.

Those runtime errors have severally occurred when utilizing Windows 10. These errors can occur due to the conflicts with the plug-in of 3rd party along with the compilation with other software.

If you delete or move the .exe file, then those errors as mentioned earlier have occurred, and you have to fix them immediately. You have to follow the below-mentioned processes of troubleshooting if ngentask.exe to resolve the errors. The resolving methods are listed below:

Process 1: you have to restore your computer or need a backup before occurring of errors

  • Click on Start Button
  • Write System Restore and click Enter.
  • Otherwise, you can find the system restore and hit that button.
  • Type Administrator Password
  • Follow those steps from the Wizard.
  • Choose a specific point to restore
  • Now, restore the computer and backup image.

If process 1 fails to fix those bugs, you have to follow the process 2.

Process 2: you have to run a program named System File Checker known as SFC to restore the accidentally corrupted or deleted ngentask.exe file.

  • Click on Windows Logo
  • Write cmd and choose Run as administrator
  • A dialogue box related to permission has popped up
  • Hit the Yes Button
  • Write sfc /scannow on that black screen and press Enter
    sfc scannow command
  • SFC beings to scan the issues related to ngentask.exe and other several errors

Follow the commands popped up on the screen to complete those bugs

This fixing issue might take some time. You have to be patient while completing the whole process or troubleshooting. If the second process doesn’t work for you, then you have to follow the next process.

Process 3: Windows Update 

This works to rectify if the error is related to incorrect or partial installation.

  • Click on Start Button
  • Write Update
    Check for update
  • Click on ‘Check for Updates
  • After popping up of the update dialogue box, click on Check Button
  • Hit the Install Update Button
  • After updating, restart the computer

If those processes, as mentioned above, don’t help you to resolve your issues, you must try another one process. This below-mentioned process helps you to replace your file systematically.

  • You have to locate the version of your operating system.
  • Download the executable files of ngentask.exe
  • Hit the download now button
  • Download the needed version of the Windows file
  • Copy those files to the specific  directories
  • Copy those files into the appropriate directory for your Windows version
  • Restart the computer

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