Run Command for Control Panel

You can access Control panel using the Run Command or the CMD method, all you have to type is control. This will instantly open the control panel. Control Panel is a Microsoft Windows utility that is used to display, access, modify and customize settings in the system. People use this tool to perform several activities from Network and Internet, Uninstalling a Program to creating a new user account on to the system. This tool has several other features, few of them are Back up your computer, Add a hardware etc.

Control Panel

How to use Run box for Control Panel

To launch the Control Panel using the run command you have to follow the below steps:

1) Press Windows and R keys together
2) Type control panel in the box and press enter

This will launch the Control Panel:

Type the Control Panel in Run Command

This one is the simple yet fastest method to open Control Panel. The good part is, this will work with all Windows OS including 10, 8, 7 and XP.

Another Method

You can also type control in the box instead. Both will yield the same result.

Type the Control in Run Command

Here are the steps:

1) Press Windows+R button together

2) Type control and click on OK button.

If you are using Windows 10, 8.1 or 8, this will open the “All Control Panel Items” window in the Control Panel and display all its contents.  Given below is the image for this step in Windows 8.

All Control Panel Items

You may also like to know the run command for system info.

How to open Control Panel using Command Prompt

Another way to execute the Control Panel is by using the command line in windows 10, 8 and 7.

  • Press Windows+R button together
  • Type CMD and click on OK
  • Type start control and hit Enter

This will launch the Control Panel in front of your screen.

Type start control in command prompt

Did you know?

  • You can view Brief and All components of Control Panel using the Category drop-down menu.
  • It presents since Windows 95.


Founder and Writer @ WinOSBite. Future plan is to make this platform open to community to resolve and discuss various issues, usage related to Operating System.

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