Top WorkFlowy Alternatives

WorkFlowy is a task manager that stands out for being one of the simplest and easiest to use and offers a lot of flexibility. It is an application that is very simple, comfortable and easy to learn since its functions are very clear and specific.

Best Alternatives to WorkFlowy 

So if you are looking for software like WorkFlowy then below alternatives list may help you to choose the best yet free one. Have a look at the best alternatives that may help you in the long run:


It has a minimalist and aesthetically pleasing design that is a world away from the old interface that you have been using until now. It is relatively simple to use and allows you to create unlimited tasks with dates and checklists for easy tracking.

Key Features

  • Dynalist offers support for labels, through which you can organize all your tasks under different sections, a rich price reduction format, and notes.
  • You can even mark items on your list with colored labels to make them easier to tell apart.
  • Includes support for internal links, which can come in handy if you want to link certain tasks together.
  • Integration with Google Calendar, attachments, Dropbox and Google backups. Drive, and much more.
  • All the functions of the application can be used with the keyboard, thanks to the wide compatibility with keyboard shortcuts.


Dynalist works with three fundamental concepts: folders, documents, and lists. Each of them contains the previous one. But unlike a usual note manager, each document (note) has an infinite capacity to grow.

Official Website
System supports: Linux and Android


The notion is another great option to choose from if you want to add some useful collaboration and organization tools to the mix. It has all the task management features you could want, including a Kanban table and a built-in calendar.

Key Features

  • You can use Notion to take notes, create documents, establish a knowledge base for your team, and keep track of everything on a neat spreadsheet.
  • It removes all the limitations of file uploads and entries that you will find in the free version.
  • The notion is more of an all-in-one tool for any workplace, but you can use it for your personal needs and carefully organize all your tasks.
  • Interactive input tools: keyboard, fingerboard, drum pads, chord library including custom chords.
  • The free version of the application allows you to add unlimited members and add up to 1000 entries, with a 5MB limit on files.


In addition to being able to choose between pre-existing templates, the most important option that Notion incorporates is to create your own custom templates.

Official Website
File size: 46.5 MB (for windows)
System support: Windows; macOS; Android; iOS, Web-based


Checkvist, a very practical scheme, and a task manager that boasts of having a keyboard-centric interface. While all the other apps on this list include handy keyboard shortcuts, Checkvist takes it to the next level.

Key Features

  • It supports an unlimited number of hierarchy entries, lists, and checklists, allows you to add due dates and tags.
  • This tool offers a convenient search and filter tool, and even lets you add tasks via email.
  • It comes with a ton of advanced developer features, including code highlighting, clever syntax with completion, and other users interface customizations.
  • A minimalist online keyboard that allows you to manage tasks for work teams and freelancers.
  • Offers some cool additional features, including UI customizations, support for attachments of up to 1GB, calendar app integration, and much more.


This cloud application has multiple features such as hierarchical lists, advanced keyboard commands, the ability to assign tasks, labels, dates, and more and is designed in a pretty simple way and is support with which to start working.

Official Website
System support: Web-based


Todoist is a leading personal task manager that is useful, fast and easy to use. It has a clean interface design. It integrates with different browsers, operating systems, and email applications. Tasks are organized by project type and can be color-coded. It is a simple web application that you can launch for free quickly.


Key Features

  • Todoist allows you to group tasks into Projects, which function as folders.
  • Each task can be made up of other tasks and those subtasks can also contain other tasks.
  • Todoist incorporates the functionality of priorities or levels of urgency. In total, it has 4 priority levels. Each task can have one of them to indicate importance.
  • It allows you to create all the labels you need to be able to add them to your tasks.
  • The set deadline feature is included in the free version of Todoist. But adding a reminder is a premium feature.
  • It has a quick search engine that allows us to find those tasks and projects that we need.


Todoist allows you to define the number of tasks that we must perform in one day and also in one week. In this way, we can set ourselves increasingly ambitious goals to improve our productivity.

Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk is a web application with numerous options for mobile applications on popular devices. It can also be integrated into Gmail, Outlook and other applications. This task manager allows you to create an unlimited number of lists that can be prioritized, tagged, add notes and much more.

Key Features

  • Its main function is to create a list of tasks pending and that we must finish as we create them.
  • If we need to organize ourselves, the app has a personalized system in which to set completion dates for tasks, time estimates or adjusts the priority.
  • It also has a search engine and a system that reminds us of pending tasks through different modes.
  • Users can receive notices by email, by SMS messaging and also through instant messaging services.
  • It is available designed for well-known programs used by many people, such as Twitter, Outlook or even Google calendar.


The professional edition features provide users with the opportunity to have the system installed on multiple devices at the same time, and a push notification system.

Official Website
System supports: Web-based


Zim is a veteran software that allows us to create a wiki for our personal use on the desktop. Something it does through a simple editor of type WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), which also helps us manage our list of tasks.

Key Features

  • Possibility of attaching files (multimedia content such as images).
  • Publication of content on the web (by exporting HTML files), using its server mode, which also helps us to see the notes in the browser.
  • Compatibility with version control systems: Bazaar, Git, Mercurial
  • Daily notebook mode, with a calendar widget, included.
  • Possibility of synchronization in the cloud, with services like nextcloud or dropbox.
  • Print mode (using the browser, after exporting the Zim HTML page).
  • A multitude of additional plugins: math calculation, marker bar, spell checker, distraction-free edit mode, labels, to-do list, quick notes, link map, word count, diagram editors, equations (latex) and graphs (GNU R), etc.


A structured way to store our information: hierarchical (with a tree layout), versatile and with pages interlaced with each other, which are stored in a text file in Wiki mark-up format (wikitext).

Official Website
System support
: Ubuntu, Windows, Debian (x11/zim), Linux, Fedora, FreeBSD
File size: 16.66 MB


Asana is one of the apps for organizing teamwork that currently exists in the market. It is a practical tool that allows organizing any type of work, be it an individual task or a project that must be carried out at a group level. It allows all the members of a group to be 100% synchronized, which facilitates meeting deadlines and achieving objectives.

Key Features

  • It allows creating projects where all the tasks are perfectly detailed, so each member knows what to do and when to do it. All gathered in one place so there is no room for doubt.
  • It has a series of dashboards that show how the project evolves, seeing the state of each of the tasks.
  • It has a schedule that makes it easier to meet deadlines and makes it easier to see the different project deadlines. In this way, tasks can be organized more clearly throughout the calendar.
  • In addition to organizing work with Asana, you can integrate all the information related to a team, such as files, tickets or emails, among other content.
  • You can report on the work, sharing the results with the team to see how it is progressing. It is a way of seeing what is working and where more attention needs to be paid.


It places means of communication within the reach of the members of the project so that they can dialogue about it. You can comment, ask questions, or even like others’ posts.

Official Website
System support: Android and Web-based


This tool is a program developed to facilitate note-taking, information gathering, and multi-user collaboration. It allows you to place notes on pages that are organized in tabs and pads and offers the possibility to add drawings, diagrams, photos, and multimedia elements.

Key Features

  • Unlike the notebook we use to take a note, OneNote allows you to make notes anywhere on the page.
  • You can insert handmade drawings as well as images and other elements to improve the content of the memo.
  • It allows you to highlight readings, underline, label, add icons, group pages and use many Word functions
  • The pages in OneNote are unlimited, in the same way as a web page we can insert video, audio, hyperlinks, bulleted lists and others.
  • OneNote can search within embedded text in images (screenshots, scanned documents, or photos). You can also search for text in handwritten annotations.

There is other software like OneNote that offer a similar feature.


It allows you to insert Word, Excel, PowerPoint files, among others. This way everything is kept in one place and we don’t waste time looking for a job or file in folders.

Official Website
System support: Windows and Web-based


Hitask is another high-quality collaborative task manager. This to-do list app has great data support and is ubiquitously available through any device you want to use. It has a clean interface design, although it feels a bit more at home on a Windows operating system.

Key Features

  • You can assign tasks and track their progress, in addition to being able to share them among your entire team.
  • You can attach files to tasks and projects in a very easy way, just drag and drop to attach them.
  • You can record the time it takes to execute a task, in addition to being able to generate a report with your time statistics.
  • You can generate reports of the time of a project or individual tasks, as well as see reports of the general process of a project.
  • You can use the application on iOS or on any mobile by accessing from your device’s browser.


This task manager makes it easy for us to break down our workload into projects and assign specific tasks within them to different team members. Although we use the desktop application, the mobile app is very useful for us to find out about project updates when we are out of the office.

Official Website
System support: Android and Web-based

This is a definitive application that will allow you to organize your entire life, not only in the workplace, it is a very attractive application since it allows you to create to-do lists, organize projects, agenda, it is too flexible and very easy to use, You add all the information via text.

Key Features

  • It allows importing data from other productive applications such as Trello, Todoist, or Wunderlist.
  • It is very easy to use since all tasks are archived when writing plain text, a bit similar to what we do with Markdown, it is automatically formatted.
  • It has simple keyboard shortcuts.
  • It is possible to use hashtags to group information and to tag contacts.
  • it is possible to set dates and period of expiration of the tasks.
  • It is cross-platform, it is available on iPhone, iPad, Android, and Google Chrome.

Highlights is a multiplatform application very easy to use, it will allow you to organize your personal and work life in a different way from any other available task manager.

Official Website
File size: 43.6 MB
System support: Android, Windows, and Web-based


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