15 Amazing Facebook Tricks You Must Know Today!

Facebook is a highly popular social media platform that permits you to establish a connection with family members and friends from all around the world. With the introduction of this exclusive platform, you will never ever feel alone.

Amazing Facebook Tricks and Hacks to Enhance the Level of Enjoyment!

Along with fun and frolic, there are some amazing tricks associated with Facebook. Applying them appropriately will help in getting the most out of the features. Below is a list of some compelling hacks and tricks that will take your excitement of using this platform at the best:

1. Muting notifications

Too much popping up of notifications diverts the mind. In such a situation, it is preferable to mute the notifications by the following steps:

  • Open the dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner of your Facebook page

Facebook page

  • Click on the “Settings” tab followed by selecting the “Notifications” option

Facebook page notification

Beside every option, you will come across the edit option, that is displayed by a small dropdown arrow sign. Based on your choice, you may turn them “off”.

2. Giving a halt to the C2C feature

There are times when some of your friends may start a video call randomly. To give a halt to this situation, the following steps must be followed:

  • Clicking on the gear option available at the right-hand corner of the screen

Turn off video voice call option

  • Clicking on “Turn Off Video and Voice Call” followed by selecting “Until I turn it back” option and then select the “Disable” option.

Untill i turn it back on option

3. Stopping the popping up of messenger chats

Along with establishing connections with your friends, Facebook is being used for official purposes as well. While carrying out official tasks, popping up of messages may seem to be a bit disturbing. To stop this disturbance, the following steps must be followed:

  • Clicking on the “cogwheel” at the upper right-hand corner of the chat that pops-up. It will take you to the “Settings” option.

Cog Wheel popup setting

  • Among a plethora of options available, select “Mute Conversation”

4. Restricting the receiving of anonymous friend requests

Crowding the friend list unnecessarily is meaningless. If you do not want to add any more friends in your friend list, then go with the following steps:

  • Clicking on the downward arrow next to Home followed by selecting privacy settings
  • Next, click on the downward arrow next to the “How People Find and Contact You” option


Privacy & how people find and contact you

  • Finally, selecting “Friends of friends” beside the “Who can send you friend request?” option followed by clicking “Done” to save changes

Friends of friends option

5. Showing yourself offline while operating on Facebook

If you are planning to carry out some activities on Facebook without causing any disturbances; then you have to show yourself offline even after you are online.

To carry on, the following steps have to be followed:

  • Clicking the gear icon below the chat tab in the lower right-hand corner

Gear Icon option

  • Clicking on the “Turn off Active Status” option followed by clicking on “ok

Turn off active status option

Active status multi option

  • You may apply this option for selected contacts or for all. It depends on you.

6. Locking the Facebook Profile display picture

Nowadays, profiles are misused at a fast rate, especially in social media platforms. To prevent such occurrences, it is preferable to lock the profile display picture. Doing so will keep your data limited within a particular boundary within your friends only.

To lock your profile display picture, follow these steps:

  • Clicking on the profile picture for viewing it
  • Selecting options from the right-hand bottom corner

Selecting the “Turn on profile picture guard” followed by clicking the “Save” option.

7. Preventing unknown people to post personal stuff in your private group

You must have come across the situation when some viewers play taunt on you based on your personal stuff posted in a group. If you are not in a favorable position to entertain such type of action, follow these steps while creating a new group:

  • Clicking on the “Groups” option from the left-hand corner of the Facebook screen
  • Add the name of the group, add some people, and select the private option.

Groups option

  • From there, selecting private followed by ok

8. Auto selecting posts of your friend

Everyone prefers getting a maximum number of likes against the post from the sides of friends. Scrolling down through every post is time-consuming. To enable the feature of auto-linking posts of your friends on Facebook, follow these steps:

  • Creating a Phantombuster account, that is done free of cost. The trial version is available for 14 days only.


  • Selecting Facebook Auto Liker Option
  • Authenticating the same followed by specifying the names of users you want to like the content automatically

Authenticating phantombuster account

  • Launching the Phantom

9. Show captions in the videos on Facebook

Some videos are available in other languages but are also interesting. The ones with captions will enhance the interest of the viewers. To enable captions, the following steps must be followed:

  • Clicking on “Settings” from the downward-facing arrow next to Home
  • Clicking on videos from the left-hand side

Videos setting left hand side

  • Select “On” beside the option “Always Show Captions

Always Show Captions optiom

10. Turning off birthday notifications

Do you want to turn off birthday notifications? If yes, then it can be done by following some simple and easy to follow steps. They are:

  • Going to “Settings” followed by clicking on “Notifications

Turning off birthday notifications

  • Finding Birthdays followed by turning it off

Birthday turning off option

11. Downloading a favorite video from Facebook

Sometimes, some interesting videos are posted on Facebook. They may belong to any niche ranging from entertainment to inspirational. Downloading those videos have been made easy by the following steps:

  • Right-click on the video and then select the “copy video URL
  • Open into fbdown.net

fbdown.net Website

  • Copying the URL of the respective video followed by clicking on Download button

The video will get downloaded in your system within few minutes. There are some videos that are not available for download. In such a situation, it is preferable to try some other methods of downloading videos.

12. Sharing Facebook videos on WhatsApp

Nowadays, WhatsApp has become a highly popular tool among users today. Surprisingly, it has become easy to share a video available on Facebook on WhatsApp by following few steps:

  • Right-click on the video for coming across the URL of the video
  • If you are using a smartphone, then you may easily copy the link on the chatbox if your friends or group. If you are using a PC, then you may share the same by logging in to web.whatsapp.settings followed by pasting the link in the desired chatbox. Remember, WhatsApp must be active in your smartphone.

[Note: Public videos can be easily shared on any platform including Facebook and WhatsApp. Whereas, private videos require downloading prior sharing.]

13. Changing the theme of the Facebook page

If you have become bored by coming across the same theme for a long, then it is high time to apply some changes. You may apply the required changes in the theme of the Facebook page by carrying out the following steps:

  • Installing a software namely “Stylish” (it is best for Google Chrome)
  • Afterward, navigate Facebook page followed by clicking S

With a plethora of style themes available, making the right selection will become easy

It will hardly take a time span of few minutes for applying the desired theme on your Facebook page. It will not only impress you, but will also impress the eyes of your viewers. Once you become familiar to the trick, you will be able to implement the same process repeatedly.

14. Using secret emojis to impress your friends

Emojis are by default included by Facebook to increase the rate of engagement. Do you want to provide an applauding experience to your friends? Why not use secret emojis available in Facebook? Below are some of the exclusive steps that you must follow to use secret emojis:

  • Clicking the messenger option followed by selecting the tiny smiley option from the right of the text box
  • Selecting the emoji tab from the menu
  • You can select multiple emojis without exiting the menu. The same is applicable for placing comments as well.

Multiple Emojis Option

The more emojis you insert, more interesting your comment will be. Even, you can create exclusive quotes by inserting multiple emojis at a time.

15. Using Facebook messenger for sending money

Urgent times arise without any prior notice. Hence, if any of your friends is in an emergency situation and needs money; then you can send money through Facebook messenger.

The following are some vital steps:

  • Adding a debit card to the messenger app. If you are using an Android phone, then it is a small cup of tea
  • Clicking on the dollar sign available in the chatbox of the messenger
  • Add the amount followed by clicking the pay option

[Note: Though this feature is available only in the United States, it is expected that it will be available soon in India by 2021.]

These are some exclusive tricks in association with Facebook that will enhance your overall experience.


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