What is AppVShnotify.exe, Uses, Error & How to Remove it?

  • Amar 
  • OS

AppVShnotify.exe is not a virus and is a part of a software called Microsoft Application Virtualization. As the name suggests, this software and the file AppVShnotify have been manufactured by Microsoft. The full form of AppVShnotify is “Application Virtualization Shell notify”. It runs in the background and is used to integrate a virtual application. AppVShnotify makes an application available to the users. It is used only by App-V or Application virtualization client, which issues notifications when an action is performed.

File Size and Location

“AppVShnotify” is supposed to reside within the subfolder of C:\Windows\System32 or sometimes located inside  C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Click to run\ in Windows 10, 8, and 7. This file is usually known to be of around 0.22 mb to 0.29 mb on windows 7/8/10 or Windows XP.

  • File Name: AppVShnotify.exe
  • File Description: Microsoft Application Virtualization Client
  • Type: Application:
  • Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Copyright: Microsoft Corporation
  • Size: 226 KB

AppVShnotify.exe process

Few Facts of AppVShnotify

  • It is an executable file.
  • It is digitally signed.
  • It is not an essential Windows file but important for Application Virtualization.
  • It has several variants with sizes varying from 0.22 mb to 0.29 mb
  • Its ideal path is C:\Windows\System32 in Windows 10.
  • The copyright of AppVShnotify belongs to Microsoft Corporation.
  • It runs in the system background.
  • It has no visible window.

Is AppVShnotify safe or a virus?

As executable files can be risky at times and cause problems, it’s obvious to worry about the genuinity of the file. Let me clarify that ideally, AppVShnotify is a safe file as it is owned by Microsoft and digitally signed. Nevertheless, you should be always cautious about these kinds of files as some viruses and malware are also circulated by camouflaging.

Kindly go through a few fact checks to be sure whether AppVShnotify.exe is safe or not:

  • File Location – If by any chance, AppVShnotify is not saved in the mentioned path i.e. C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft shared\ Click to run, you need to be alarmed because this is extremely risky.
  • File Size – The known sizes of file are 0.22mb, 0.23 m, 0.25 mb, 0.26 mb, 0.27 mb or 0.29 mb. If the installed file’s size significantly differs from these sizes, it may be a malicious file and not the genuine AppVShnotify.exe file.
  • Using the Security task manager, you can identify any threat in your system.

Common Errors

Follow are the few most common errors of AppVShnotify.exe which are as follows:

  • The AppVShnotify.exe fail to run
  • It may abruptly stop
  • A message may appear stating that AppVShnotify is not a valid application
  • “The file can’t be found” is another error
  • exe application error
  • The program might fail to start at times

How To fix the errors?

We will have to run system file checker in order to fix AppVShnotify.exe: error, use the following instructions to resolve the issue:

  1. Press Windows logo, type Command Prompt 
  2. Right-click on it and choose Run as Administrator 
    Run command to run as an administrator in Windows 10
  3. Type sfc / scannow and press the Enter button
    sfc scannow command line
  4. Let the system to scan the system and fix the files

Now restart the system, it’s done!

How to remove AppVShnotify.exe?

If you are facing any issue with AppVShnotify.exe like consuming high CPU or Memory usage frequently or hanging the system then you may consider removing it.

  • Open Control panel.
  • In programs, choose “Add or remove a program”, if you are using Windows XP. In the case of Windows 7/8/10, choose “Uninstall a program
  • Search for the program “Microsoft Application Virtualization”.
  • Right-click on it and choose Uninstall

This process will uninstall the program from your system.

Other similar processes:

Igfxpers.exe, Mqsvc.exe, Mbamtray.exe, Ouc.exe, BCSSync.exe, nvsvc.exe , MBAMService.exe, Sapisvr.exe


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