What is Hh.exe, Safe or Malware and Uses?

  • Ankita 
  • OS

Hh.exe is an executable application, that is a part of the HTML Help and originally developed by Microsoft. This hh.exe is a genuine executable file that resides inside C:\Windows directory.  There are several components of HTML Help that include HTML Help Active X Control, Viewer, Image Editor, Java Applet and many more.

hh.exe Properties

The full form of hh.exe is Microsoft HTML Help Executable. 

What is Hh.exe?

Hh.exe opens the help file to help the viewer. It starts executing itself when the user clicks on a .chm item or file. The .CHM file extension belongs to the Microsoft Compiled HTML Help utility. It is a help format based on the internet and contains HTML pages, index file, and table of contents with hyperlinks.

Hh.exe is able to open the help file by calling the HTML Help ActiveX control which is a part of the Help viewer. It also lets users use the navigation feature.

Brief Overview

  • File Name: HH.exe
  • File detail: Microsoft HTML Help Executable
  • Type: Application
  • File Version: 10.0.18362.1 (on Windows 10)
  • Product Name: HTML Help
  • Language: English

File size & location

  • The file size of hh.exe is approximately 20 KB on Windows 10, whereas its file size could be a bit small in Windows 8 and 7.
  • The location ofhh.exe is in the C:\Windows folder 

Common Errors

Common errors that are encountered with hh.exe are:

  • “hh.exe: This program is not responding”
  • “(hh.exe) missing or not found”. 

Is it safe or a virus?

Hh.exe is a legitimate application by Microsoft and is not a threat to the system. But, there can be times when a malicious program is named as hh.exe. This is done to bypass system anti-viruses and firewalls.

There are two ways to recognize whether Hh.exe is malware:

  • If the forger is located anywhere other than the C:\Windows folder
  • If it’s file size is in megabytes

As mentioned above, the average file size of hh.exe is about 20 Kb, but if you notice that the file size is in Mb then it must a suspicious file. In that case, complete system scan is recommended with help of a good Antivirus and Anti-Malware.

HH.exe is missing?

If you have noticed that the hh.exe file is missing on your system then you may download it using the official Microsoft website here.

How to disable it?

You don’t need to disable it as the hh.exe not automatically start until you open any Microsoft Help file.



Founder and Writer @ WinOSBite. Future plan is to make this platform open to community to resolve and discuss various issues, usage related to Operating System.

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