Ibtsiva.exe – What is it, Virus or Safe, Usage?

  • Amar 
  • OS

Ibtsiva.exe file belongs to the Wireless Bluetooth service for Intel motherboard. It begins to operate when the Windows operating system starts functioning. This program ordinarily runs in the background and helps in maintaining an active Bluetooth service for the particular system. Usually, Bluetooth comes in handy for use in keyboards, phones, mice, and external audio devices.

What is the Ibtsiva.exe file?

This process is used for the Intel Wireless Bluetooth services. It is generally a file associated with the classic Bluetooth devices rather than the new IoT (Internet of Things) devices associated with low energy Bluetooth phenomena. It runs using its process and does not run using the “svchost.exe” process.

The average file size of ibtsiva is usually 121 KB, and there are ten more variants for the file in Windows 10/8/7/XP.

By default the ibtsiva is installed under C:\Windows\System32 directory.

The file is practically invisible and is digitally signed. It is ideally a non-essential file and can manipulate other files effectively.

Is it a Virus or a Safe file?

If the program does not follow the normal path designated for it C:\Windows\System32, then it could be a virus instead.

  • If you’re doubtful about the file, you could start the Task Manager, press on the columns field, and add one of the columns as the verified signer. If now you look at the value of the verified signers and it says “unable to verify” then one could rest assured that the file might contain a virus.
  • Another way to identify the file’s validity is by checking on the developer of the software. If the developer is either not listed appropriately or is suspicious, then it would be appropriate for you to uninstall the program at one go.

If you believe in maintaining a clean system, make sure you follow some basic ground rules for it.

  1. Keep your computer neat and tidy. Avoid filling jargons and junks into it without your notice.
  2. Run malware scan as and when you deem necessary.
  3. Keep your hardware clean with a Cleanmgr, SFC/scannow, or by uninstalling manually the programs you don’t need at all.
  4. Backup your system periodically and set some restoration points wherever necessary.
  5. Keep using the “resmon” command to find out more about the processes that might be causing a problem for you.
  6. DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restore health is the path to follow if you want to repair the operating system as and when required without losing any data.
  7. Use the Security Task Manager if you want to know about the programs running in your Windows taskbar.

The file is usually not necessary, and thus you can always delete any version or addition which seems suspicious after a thorough examination of it.

Other similar processes:

ngentask.exe, IntelMEM.exe, Csrss.exe


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