LTSVC.exe What it is and Uses detail

LTSVC.exe is not an essential part of Windows operating system, however used for Remote Monitoring & Mainteance. It is located in C:\Windows\LTSVC directory. This file is  produced by ‘LabTech Software’. The software is not a part of Windows OS but is located in a subfolder of C:\Windows and is usually 12,542,976 bytes or 13,179,660 bytes in size.


Due to its multiple utility, it is usually not easy to know if LTSVC.exe process is actually harming your computer. However, if you start getting errors with messages referring to LTSVC.exe, it is advisable to look into the problem.

File Size

Usually the total file size remain under 13 Mb.


The LTSVC.exe process helps in establishing a network connection, both through internet or LAN. It can also record keyboard and mouse inputs and monitor applications.

Common LTSVC.exe Error Message

Following are few common errors that you might see on your computer:

  • ltsvc.exe is missing
  • ltsvc.exe not found
  • ltsvc.exe failed to load

How to fix errors related to LTSVC.exe?

LTSVC.exe process is stored as an executable file in your system. As a result, some malwares also disguise as LTSVC.exe. If the LTSVC.exe process file is located in  C:\Windows\System32 folder, then there is a high possibility that it is a malware. You are likely to get the following errors

ltsvc.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
End Program – ltsvc.exe. This program is not responding.
LabTech Service has stopped working.

In case you get any of these errors while performing operations on your computer, the best solution is to uninstall LTSVC.exe process.

NuanceWDS.exe – How to disable

uninstall How to uninstall LTSVC?

To uninstall LTSVC.exe process, go to ‘Control Panel’ and look for LabTech MSP in the list of available programs.

Select the program and click the ‘Uninstall’ button.

After finishing the uninstall, restart your computer and check if the folder has been removed from C:\Program Files.

If the folder is still there, you might need an expert to make alterations to Windows Registry in order to get rid of the potential malware.

While in some cases LTSVC.exe process may not be very harmful for your computer, it is recommended that you install a professional anti-virus and perform regular scans to avoid such errors.



Neeraj worked in an MNC company as Admin. He has good knowledge in Operating System, Excel and Browser.

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