10 Best ownCloud Alternatives which are free

Owncloud is a multiplatform storage service capable of synchronizing files with the cloud. In other words, it is a complete cloud suite hosted on our own server and, consequently, ensures the privacy and security of its use. In short, Owncloud serves so that any user can upload information from their account, synchronizing with the different devices or users.

ownCloud alternatives

Top Free Alternatives to ownCloud

If you are wondering about the best alternative to ownCloud then you should check this list to host your files, calendars, and contacts.

Google Drive

Google Drive is the place where you access all your files, including Google Docs documents and local files that Google Drive uses to save all types of files, including documents, presentations, music, photos, and videos. You can open many types of files directly in your browser, including PDF files, Microsoft Office files, high definition videos and many types of image files, even if you don’t have the corresponding program installed on your computer.

Key Features

  • Google Drive keeps all items updated, so you can make changes and access the latest version from anywhere.
  • Google Drive will replace your previous List of documents. All your Google Docs documents will automatically appear in Google Drive.
  • It offers many ways to view, search and sort files. It includes powerful search options (including the ability to search text in images) so you can quickly find what you are looking for.
  • This tool replaces and improves the list of Google Docs documents above. With Google Drive, you always have a copy of our data on the Web.
  • Both from the web version and from the desktop software we can share our files with other Google users.
  • In addition to sending the link, we can choose what privileges to give the person to whom we share the file. These can be: You can edit, you can comment, you can see.

Download: https://www.google.com/drive/download/


Nextcloud is a complete software that will allow us to synchronize files, folders, calendars, and contacts between multiple devices. This is nothing new since Google services do it, but this software allows us to have full control of all our data since such data is stored locally in our local network, it is not uploaded to any public cloud or server external if we don’t want to.

Key Features

  • Nextcloud is specifically focused on providing its users with security, privacy and full control of all their data so that they are fully transparent.
  • You can access the files using the Web user interface or you can use WebDAV that is compatible with all major operating systems.
  • It is open-source and the ability to look inside the code makes you feel confident about what the software is doing and what is not spying on you.
  • Nextcloud Box, a hardware device allows us to have a complete private cloud in our home, but without spending much money, servers or electricity.
  • You can share entire files or directories with local users on the same server (and control their permissions).
  • With the Calendar application, you can keep several calendars and even synchronize them between several devices compatible with the CalDAV protocol.



It is a multi-platform file hosting service in the cloud, operated by the company Dropbox. The service allows users to store and synchronize files online and between computers and share files and folders with others. It allows for modifying the Internet consumption limit. It is a lightweight application that does not require much configuration.

Key Features

  • It has a virtual hard disk on which you can work freely, on almost any computer, you only need an internet access account to share files no matter where you are connected, without interruption.
  • Access files from anywhere on the network and with almost all available devices.
  • Automatically synchronize the files to incorporate the modifications.
  • You can work offline (Synchronize files and folders once we restore our internet connection).
  • Save large amounts of data securely, both in terms of transmission and custody of servers.
  • Keep a history of the modified files for 30 days (this period can be extended with an additional payment).
  • There are free and paid versions, each with varied options. It is available for Android IOS (Apple).

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/downloading

Check also alternatives to Boxryptor.

Microsoft One Drive

Microsoft OneDrive occupies an important role in the storage of data which depends on Microsoft, in this way Google has Google Drive and Apple has iCloud, Microsoft provides OneDrive for people to store and exchange data online. Day by day there are more users who access One Drive since they can access at any time from anywhere.

Key Features

  • This allows you to access your documents and photos from any device (phone, tablet, and computer).
  • OneDrive brings together a set of services allowing each user to store their files (documents, videos, photos) in a “cloud” and share them online if they wish.
  • When a file is added to the One Drive space, it becomes potentially accessible on all computer devices – laptop, smartphone, tablet – owned by the user.
  • Windows OneDrive and possibly Office 365 are tightly integrated with Windows Office, which is available on Windows 8 and 10 OS on PCs.
  • OneDrive is an obvious option for those already working on the Office Suite because that way you get free access to Office 365.
  • The Office 365 Personal plan combines all the features of Office 365 Home but is intended for one person.
  • You can get 1 TB of OneDrive space for free with most Office 365 Home or Personal plans.



Box allows us to upload our files in the cloud to have a backup accessible from any site and device. It is storage oriented for mobile devices, unlike Dropbox which is oriented to mobile devices and devices alike. It is an independent platform with a good supply of storage services in the cloud. Box stands out for great options for sharing stored content and working together.

Key Features

  • Store any type of file and protect sensitive cloud content with enterprise security.
  • You can access a preview of videos and images and share files without having to download them from a device, either online or offline.
  • Share, synchronize and access files anytime and anywhere through a simple link via email or directly from Box.
  • It allows your business to work as if it were one by cultivating simple and safe teamwork.
  • Eliminates content repositories and discontinuous communication by transforming folders into shared work environments online.
  • Manages the complete life cycle of your documents, from creation, through archiving, to retention.



MediaFire is one of the most popular cloud storage services today, used by many to also share files on the Internet. The company is also responsible for the service launched a new MediaFire application for the Windows operating system, which offers functionality for all Windows 10 devices, wherever the user is.

Key Features

  • MediaFire is a free service that allows users to store and share files with others quickly and easily through the Internet.
  • It is currently offering 10 GB of free space for new users and can be increased up to 50 GB through its referral program.
  • It supports photo sync from Windows Phone to PC.
  • Both music and videos can be played from MediaFire to the mobile device.
  • Documents, photos, videos, and audio can be viewed online.
  • It is also possible to share files with other applications such as Facebook and SMS.
  • Search function for all files and folders. The application is compatible with all Windows platforms.

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/


Cozy is a cloud data storage company that preserves the privacy of those who use it. For this, it offers cloud-based open-source services. It even allows the installation of Cozy on the servers themselves to have closer control of the data. It provides computing services over the Internet so that the company will not have to worry about the details and technical specifications.

Key Features

  • Cozy Collect stores all information related to invoices, transactions and other documents from a number of suppliers, including banks, telecommunications operators, insurance, energy supply services, etc.
  • CozyDrive, people who use this service can synchronize their files with Cozy servers and make them available on any computer.
  • Cozy Photo is a service similar to Google Photos. Users can make backup copies of the photographs and have them available when they need them.
  • Cozy is a service that has a free and paid option. According to the needs, it offers different plans. For example, the free part offers 5GB of storage space.
  • Cozy allows you to activate the server in a kind of personal Google App Engine application
  • Supported platforms: Images available in Virtualbox, Raspberry Pi, OpenVZ, Cubieboard2, Cubietruck.

Download: https://cozy.io/en/download/

Resilio Sync

Resilio Sync is a fairly functional application that works like most cloud services. Instead of making a backup on some mysterious server somewhere, you make a backup of the files on your computer.  However, it must be said that the files obtained through the backup are encrypted. This feature makes Resilio Sync particularly safe.

Key Features

  • Minutes to install and designed for integration. The robust API, flexible scripts and support for standard reporting tools make it easier to adapt to existing workflows.
  • Built from scratch to handling any load on any network condition. It can handle and recover efficiently from the endpoint and network failures.
  • In the free version, you can select any folder on your hard drive and synchronize it in the same way as you would with other applications in this segment.
  • WAN optimization combined with mesh networks. For each endpoint added in the network, Resilio becomes more powerful, faster and more resilient with data transfer.
  • Any number of endpoints. Any amount of data unlike centralized or hardware-based solutions, P2P systems such as Resilio are automatically scaled according to operational needs.
  • Ideal for users who need to synchronize and share large files and folders, as it provides unlimited storage and is compatible with large file sizes.

Download: https://www.resilio.com/platforms/desktop/


Seafile is another open-source solution. You can use your own cloud as well to host your files and share privately with friends and family. n hosting servers. In the latter case, there are two types: Open Source and business ($ 25 per user per year). The application has an online file editor, version control, multi-platform file synchronization and more.

Key Features

  • This application is an enterprise file hosting platform that is absolutely trustworthy and of great performance.
  • This tool will allow you to place files on your own server and be able to synchronize and share the files on different devices or even access all the files as a virtual disk.
  • Each library can be synchronized on any desktop computer, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • Seafile has fantastic performance in file synchronization. Tens of thousands of small files can be synchronized in a minute.
  • The user can also selectively synchronize any folder so that non-synchronized files can be accessed through a function called “file search in the cloud”.
  • Libraries and folders can be shared with users or groups, with read-only or read-write permissions.

Official: https://www.seafile.com

There is other similar software like Seafile that you may consider.


IPFS in a broad sense is universally known as InterPlanetary File System. The inter-planetary designation conveys a well quantifiable idea: it is a file system shared by everyone, that is to say, that everyone can access all the files which are present there.it is an overlay on the internet, where you can organize data in a consistent manner and potentially without central control.

Key Features

  • IPFS is a distributed file system that guarantees their permanent availability, allowing multiple copies to exist on the different nodes that support the network.
  • Manages communications based on the content handled, replacing the name (IP address or URL) as is currently the case.
  • It provides a block storage model for high-performance content, with hyperlinks addressable for its content.
  • It uses IPFS identifiers which are linked to a cryptographic content hash, which guarantees in a cryptographic way.
  • Represents the content of that file as original, until its next modification, however small.
  • Protection of the content against unauthorized manipulation, and its degradation, that is, it favors the immutability of the contents.
  • It is modular because it supports many layers of work with different functionalities and technologies.
  • Combines the use of technologies, such as Blockchain, Kademlia, BitTorrent, and Git.

Download: https://dist.ipfs.io/

So, these are the top-rated alternatives to ownCloud which are free and allow you to host your files and media. If you are using other similar sites to ownCloud then let me know by adding your comment below.



Founder and Writer @ WinOSBite. Future plan is to make this platform open to community to resolve and discuss various issues, usage related to Operating System.

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