PIconStartup.exe – What is it, Uses, Error & How to Fix it?

What is the job of PIconStartup.exe? Before we go into that, it is important to know about the AMT, which is a component of the Intel’s chipsets. IT administrators use it for doing work on a PC remotely. They can perform several task like turn a PC on, shut it down and log in remotely into a PC. The system admin can perform wide range of activities in order to repair the system.  When PIconStartup.exe is present in the startup tab of System Configuration utility, the system tray will have an IMSS icon. By clicking on the icon, users can see whether AMT is turned on.

PIconStartup.exe file information

What is PIconStartup.exe

It is not an essential part of Windows operating system. The Full Form of PIconStartup is Intel® Privacy Icon Startup Utility. It’s a part of Intel® Active Management Technology and usually required for computer that is connected is in Local Area Network. If your laptop or desktop is a standalone pc, then PIconStartup.exe is not required.

File Location

The path to this system file is C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\

Its publisher is Intel Corporation.

File Size

The size of the file varies with the versions of Windows. It can vary from 1 Mb to 12 Mb.

How to Find?

In most cases the Piconstartup.exe automatically start and can be seen inside the Windows Task Manager, under Process Tab.

In the Windows Task Manager, Right click over “Piconstartup.exe” and click on Properties. And there under General tab, you can see the exact File Location.

Common PIconStartup.exe Error Message

Usually the PIconStartup.exe don’t consume high CPU resources or show error message, but some time it happen. In that case, it might show below error message:

Entry Point Not Found.
System Error.
Application Error.
Unable to Locate Component

Is PIconStartup.exe Safe or Not?

As Piconstartup.exe is not an essential system file. Whenever the piconstartup.exe file malfunctions or is unable to load, all the related programs get affected.

Error message for piconstartup.exe always appears when users run a related program and during windows startup.

The reason for this error is usually a missing or corrupted file. There are certain situations for the error.

  • A virus has infected the file, or the file is a virus in disguise
  • This file gets mistakenly erased or double at the time of windows updates or when users download or uninstall a program
  • There are corrupted registry entries

As the usual reasons behind the piconstartup.exe error are known, the error can be fixed. But what is the fastest fix? Among all the reasons virus infection is the strongest.

Before taking any steps, users should see whether this file is in C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components. If the file is not there, it’s infected by a virus. If the file is in that location, they should verify its size and other details.

Users who’re not sure should first update their security program for ensuring that the signature database is the most up-to-date version. They should then disconnect their computer from the internet. Lastly, they must scan all files in their system for detecting the piconstartup.exe virus.

When the security program cannot identify the virus contaminating piconstartup.exe file, users must download Spyware Cease. This program is verified to erase the sham piconstartup.exe file and repair the error promptly.

uninstallHow to Remove?

Those who don’t need PIconStartup.exe can delete it by uninstalling Intel ME Components from their PC with its uninstaller.   Those who cannot locate its uninstaller could have to uninstall Intel ME Components for deleting PIconStartup.exe. This is possible with the Add/Remove Program function.

There are other several executable files that you might be interested to know PwmTower.exeiptray.exe, KMService.exe etc.



Founder and Writer @ WinOSBite. Future plan is to make this platform open to community to resolve and discuss various issues, usage related to Operating System.

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