What is Tvnserver.exe (TightVNC Server), Uses & How to Remove it?

Tvnserver stands for TightVNC server and this .TvnServer.exe file is a part of TightVNC software, developed by a company called GlavSoft. The process is also known as TightVNC server for windows. TightVNC is a useful software that allows users to remotely view, access and control other computers. The program is installed in the computer from where one wants to gain control over other computers. Based on the user requirements, sometimes the software is installed in both host and target computers.

tightvnc.exe information

File Size and Location

Tvnserver.exe must be located in a subfolder of Program Files. The path will look like C:\Program Files\TightVNC. The file has several variants out of which 15 variants are known to have a size of approximately 0.77 mb, 0.81 mb,  1.16 mb, 1.22 mb, 1.72 mb, 2.17 mb, etc. on Windows 7/8/10.

TightVNC connection

Some important fact of Tvnserver.exe:

  • It is not an essential windows file.
  • The process runs in the background.
  • It has no visible window.
  • The process starts with the start of the windows.
  • The file is digitally signed.
  • It can record keyboard and mouse inputs.
  • It can control other applications in the system.

Is Tvnserver.exe safe or a virus?

With the genuine Tvnserver.exe file, one need not worry so much as it is a part of TVNServer and is made for a purpose. The problem is that so many viruses or malware can disguise as genuine files and as a result, they sit in our system and damage it. So, one must always cross-check the genuineness of the file.

Check the following points as they will help you determine whether Tvnserver.exe is reliable or suspicious-

  • File Location – To know whether a file is a virus or a genuine one, the first thing you should do is check where it is saved. The Tvnserver.exe must be invariably found in the path C:\Program Files\TightVNC\. If, by any chance, you notice that the file location is different, then there’s something suspicious.
  • Name/Spelling – Thoroughly check the spelling of the file name. It may sound bizarre but is an important step. Viruses imitate the names of the original file and so, you must see and identify if there’s any minor change in the name of the file. If any change is found, it’s not the original Tvnserver.exe and perhaps a virus.
  • File Size – Compare the size of the installed file with the range of size mentioned above. If there’s a significant difference, there are chances it’s some other harmful file and certainly not the authentic one.
  • Security Task Manager – By running Security Task Manager, you can know the possible threats or suspicious files in the system. If Tvnserver.exe is a virus, it will be detected here.
  • Check Digital Signature – For this press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc button, go to the Details tab, right-click and go to Properties. Now click on the Digital Signature tab, if you find Glav Soft LLC as the digital signature (as shown below) then it’s a genuine file.

Tvnserver digital signature

Common Tvnserver.exe Errors

Following are a few most common errors that encounter on Windows PC:

  • tvnserver.exe Application Error
  • tvnserver.exe not found
  • Cannot find tvnserver.exe

How to uninstall Tvnserver.exe?

Since Tvnserver.exe is not so essential for windows, you may choose to remove the file in case it is causing problems in your system. Also, if this file is consuming high CPU or memory then you may follow the below steps to remove it from the system. You can watch this video, or else go below step by step instructions:

Just follow a few simple steps for uninstallation-

1) Click on Windows logo, type Control Panel, and click on it

2) Go to the Programs section and select “Uninstall” (Windows7/8/10) or “Remove” (Windows XP).

3) Find the program “TightVNC2

4) Right-click and choose the “Uninstall” button

5) Follow the prompts to finish uninstallation

Later on, if you would like to use TightVNC then you may download it from the official website.



Founder and Writer @ WinOSBite. Future plan is to make this platform open to community to resolve and discuss various issues, usage related to Operating System.

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