What is twunk_32.exe

Wondering whether twunk_32.exe is safe or harmful? Well, it is a process belonging to Twain Working Group. Find its uses, file size, location & error detail. The twunk_32.exe is identified as a process connected with Twain Thunker, belonging to Twain Working Group. Basically, TWAIN is known as a technology implemented to obtain an image directly from a scanner and then insert it within the document or publication of Windows users. It is known that twunk_32.exe is chiefly created to permit 32-bit applications to call 16 bit. This exe file is an important component of OS that works closely with the scanner; however, the fact is it normally generates many problems.

What is twunk_32.exe?

twunk_32.exe file detail

The twunk_32.exe file can be executed by 3rd party files such as virus or malware, replaced and thus, it will start showing an error message when MSDN Disc 2180 will be run. It is a kind of malicious .exe file that attempts to install itself on your PC system, in order to harm your system as well as it can disable network security. Moreover, it can lead to important changes to your device and allows viruses to be installed. The exe file has the capability to make use of your security vulnerabilities and install without informing you. 

Also, check similar executable files like dbrcrawler.exe and aeadisrv.exe file and uses detail.

It’s Uses

  • It basically controls and helps to transfer data between software and digital imaging devices
  • It can connect to digital imaging devices like digital cameras and scanners.
  • The time required to acquire an image from a scanner is very little.

File Size 

Twunk_32.exe does not occupy much space because the file size is 25600 bytes. 

File Location

Twunk_32.exe is located inside the C:\Windows folder. Its location is C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\. The program is actually not visible to its users and basically, it is a Microsoft signed file. 

Quick Overview

Filename: twunk_32.exe
File description: Twain.dll Client’s 32-Bit Thunking Server
File version:
File Size: 32.0 KB
Product name: Twain Thunker
File type: Application
Copyright: N/A
Language: English
Location: C:\Windows

Is twunk_32.exe harmful? 

It is confirmed that twunk_32.exe is not a virus however, 3rd party applications can name themself as twunk_32.exe and start consuming CPU resources to gain access to a computer.

This process is not so harmful and does not create much harm to your system because twunk_32.exe is actually not a virus itself. It causes the virus to get installed on your Windows OS. The twunk_32.exe might be counterfeited by some of the cyber culprits and simultaneously, the exe file could be positioned in certain other portions of the Windows system. 

Why is twunk_32.exe giving me errors? 

There is no doubt that twunk_32.exe will give errors to its Windows users if an associate file is missing or changed by malware/virus. The process-related issues are generally related to problems come upon by the application that executes it.

If twunk_32.exe consuming a lot of CPU or slowing down your PC then you can consider killing it using Task Manager. If the problem continues then you can uninstall it using Control Panel >> Uninstall a Program.



Founder and Writer @ WinOSBite. Future plan is to make this platform open to community to resolve and discuss various issues, usage related to Operating System.

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