Run Command for Remote Desktop and Shortcuts

Run Command For Remote Desktop is pretty simple and easy. All you have to launch the RUN and type mstsc in the box. To understand its process and its uses, let’s have some quick information.

The Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection software allows users to access his/her or another user’s computer over the cloud through a network connection.

It uses the RDP also known as Remote Desktop Protocol to establish the connectivity with the remote systems. It allows the user to perform several activities like screen sharing, troubleshooting, commands etc by taking over the remote system completely.

Please note that the Windows 10 and 7 versions allow only a single remote desktop connection at a given time.

There are many ways to open the Remote Desktop Connection utility, like using the:

  • Command Prompt
  • Run toolbox
  • Start button
  • Search option

However, here I am going to guide how to open RDP using Command Prompt and Run toolbox, lets start.

Launch Remote Desktop Connection using Run Command

Let us look at a step by step tutorial on how to use the Run command for opening Remote Desktop Connection window.

  • Press the Windows and R button together
  • Type mstsc in the box and click on OK

Command mstsc on Run

This will launch the Remote Desktop Connection on screen.

Remote Desktop Connection window

The Remote Desktop Connection window is now open.

Note that you can type the command line in either in capital or small letters, it will work fine.

Start RDP  using CMD

For those who like to open using command prompt can use below steps:

1) Press Windows and R button

2) Type CMD and hit Enter button

3) Now type mstsc and hit Enter button

Remote Desktop Connection command prompt

This will launch the Remote Desktop Connection.


Sometimes, users may want shortcuts for some extended features of the utility. Fortunately, Remote Dekstop Manager offers minor and easy appendices to do so using the Run toolbox.  These works with Windows 10, 7, Vista and XP. Let us look at some of these appended shortcuts:

  • If you want to open the Remote Desktop Connection window in full-screen mode then simply type or paste mstsc /f and the RDC will occupy the full screen.
  • Use the mstics /w: command to increase or decrease the width of the remote screen size.
  • If you want to run the RDC in the public mode then just add /public to mstsc.
  • Just like /w: the /h: command can be used to mention remote desktop screen’s height.
  • If you wish to open up editing for the particular. RDP connection file, then add /edit to mstsc.

Note: All above command will run using Run command i.e. Windows+R button.



Founder and Writer @ WinOSBite. Future plan is to make this platform open to community to resolve and discuss various issues, usage related to Operating System.

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