10 Free Event Planning Apps That Save Your Time: 2020

  • Ankita 
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“Working intelligently, not difficult” is easier said than done. That is why today we are going to see some online event planning tools. As an event organizer, the hours you sleep in are probably full of nightmares about to-do lists and deadlines. Fortunately, there is a range of online tools to make your life easier. Here we have put together a small list of free online event planning tools. 

Free Event Planning Apps for Android and iPhone

Here is the list of 10 popular apps that will make your event planning successful by saving time and effort:


Eventbrite is an event management software that allows you to plan any event, track it and promote it. You can follow up on how many people are going to attend your event and check the ticket sales and with this, you can find out if there is a need to reinforce advertising or make your event known. It even allows you to manage a guest list ie print the list with full names and manage access or entry to the event or you can also take this list on your iPhone or Android.

Key Features

  • It’s easy to create an event on Eventbrite. Simply create a free account on the platform and then create a page for your event.
  • Eventbrite allows you to create a description, to specify the modalities of the event, to add a photo and to specify the price of the tickets.
  • Eventbrite does not take any costs for its organization. However, participants in paid events will have to pay a management fee when paying for their place.
  • You can offer special discounts, for example to your subscriber list and this seems like a very good idea.

Download Link: Play Store | App Store
File Size: 15 MB


Asana is a great task and project management tool and it allows teams to share, plan, organize, and track the progress of the tasks on which each member is working. Asana is a very simple and easy to use web application, and certainly one of the best task management tools we have seen so far. Add your teammates to tasks and projects, add them as task followers, share projects with them or mention them in task comments to keep everyone aware.

Key Features

  • It eliminates the need to use email to communicate about projects. Share notes on task descriptions and upload attachments to tasks.
  • Asana’s inbox serves to receive notifications about all the tasks related to the tasks and the project as if you were assigned a task.
  • This tool allows teams to share, plan, organize and track the progress of the tasks in which each member works.
  • View, organize and manage the tasks and priorities of all members of your team from a single place.

Download Link: Play StoreApp Store
File Size: 5.3 MB


Boomset Event Management is the automation software for managing successful events, with an intuitive platform designed to simplify marketing efforts. With Boomset Event Management import your guest list or integrate with one of our registration partners. Configure the Boomset features to create a personalized check-in experience for your guests. Spend more time on important event details and design a check-in without interruption in minutes.

Key Features

  • You can create your guest list or simply import it, configuring the application so that they can register on their own and confirm their attendance at the event.
  • You can have a database as large as you want and use Boomset to send promotional information to your guests, whether they have confirmed their attendance at the event or not.
  • At the time of the event, you can print credentials and other documents either in card format or in ticket format.
  • Thanks to its CRM functions, your guests can confirm their attendance at the event with just one click.

Download Link: Play Store | App Store
File Size: 13 MB


Trello is a free online application that helps you and your team collaborate on a project. It is a very visual application that creates a board for each project. The board can be filled with “cards” that symbolize a task. You can add images, videos and audio clips to each card. Checklists and reminders are there help you track the progress of your event planning.

Key Features

  • It is a very open tool that allows you to work in many different ways, so it is important to establish a work methodology that follows the whole team.
  • You can add images, videos and audio clips to each card and these cards symbolize various tasks.
  • Development by tasks, grouped into work panels. It helps you to create and order the number of panels as you want.
  • Like a social network, you can create multiple profiles for each co-worker in which you can define the pending tasks in their respective work panels.

Download Link: Play StoreApp Store
File Size: Varies with device


Slack is a messaging service that unifies conversations between teams, also includes all the services, applications and resources they need to optimize the work process (Dropbox, Google Drive, Skype, etc). All applications are integrated into the platform, where you can easily search and find files, calls, messages, and co-workers, so your team has access to the collective knowledge of the company.

Check these popular free conference call services.

Key Features

  • The different conversation threads are organized into channels. You can create as many as needed and can be defined as public or private.
  • Communication can be made from one person to a channel (many people) or from one person to another. This last option can be done through direct messages to users.
  • It is one of the best systems to retrieve history on a subject. It is so powerful that you can even get information from the shared files, or filter by some type of document, chat or user, so it is very easy to retrieve pending issues.
  • It can be configured so that only the workers of a company can enter a previous moderation channel.

Download Link: Play Store | App Store
File Size: Varies with device


Odoo allows you to manage Online Events like a family parties. You can Organize, Promote and Sell tickets (if they are paid) of your events quickly, easily and efficiently. What kind of events do we mean? It includes meetings, training classes, seminars, conference or others.

Key Features

  • Fast and intuitive creation of event web pages using predefined blocks and customizable templates. You can choose the format that best suits your preferences.
  • It helps in simple, fast and direct data editing. You can make any changes immediately (introduce a new speaker, change the price of a ticket, announce a sponsoring move.
  • Its “responsive” design fits perfectly on any device (desktops, mobiles, tablets. Users can register for any event at any time and place, and also because Google favors pages with mobile design.
  • The “Promote” function allows you to optimize the SEO of your online events website. In addition, it suggests keywords to make your events more visible.

Download Link: Play Store
File Size: Varies with device


The arrival of Evernote has changed the game when it comes to organizing and managing tasks. Evernote is software for recording information, mainly in the form of notes. Accessible on various platforms (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Web, etc.), Evernote facilitates the capture and sharing of ideas, serves as a memory guide and optimizes the management of different daily tasks. Developed in the United States, this note-taking tool is available in three service levels: free, Premium and Business.

Key Features

  • Evernote is accessible on the web by creating a personal account. The note-taking tool then works like a classic web page with the possibility of searching for notes and/or creating new ones.
  • It facilitates the capture and sharing of ideas, serves as a memory guide and optimizes the management of different daily tasks.
  • With the Evernote Web Clipper extension, you can more easily save the web pages visited in your Evernote account.
  • Evernote is available in a free version, called Basic, with sufficient functionality for occasional users.

Download Link: Google Play | App Store
File Size: Varies with device


Mailchimp is an attractive software that is suitable for everyone thanks to its intuitive interface and its many features. It allows easy sharing of advertising or email campaigns. It offers a free version that allows you to send up to 12,000 emails per month for free. It is, therefore, an ideal tool for those who are new to email marketing. It can improve their activity on the internet and promote their web content.

Key Features

  • If you start emailing and your lists have less than 2000 subscribers, you can use Mailchimp for free. However, you will not have access to the Automation section.
  • The Mailchimp interface is very refined, easy to use. The elements and forms are widely spaced and all the operations which contain several stages are clearly presented. The Mailchimp interface is really nice to use.
  • Many email tools limit email import functionality to prevent abuse. That said, it is still very useful in many cases. Mailchimp has no limits. It simply displays a warning message.
  • Mailchimp allows you to use a template without any layout. This allows you to actually simulate personalized email written by hand, but automatically.

Download Link: Play Store | App Store
File Size: 16 MB


Bizzabo allows you to upload your event schedule and post updates about the event in real-time. In addition, it integrates all current social tools, such as Linkedin and Twitter. You can see, for example, the Linkedin profile of those attending the event. “Networking” is one of the fundamental aspects of company events, and the internal messaging and profile creation function helps to improve interaction before, during and after the event. The application is free for reduced events.

For personal planning, check these similar task scheduler software.

Key Features

  • The Bizzabo app is tailor-made with the mission of creating a bridge between the participants, to know who is who and go straight to business.
  • The software can include promotional tools such as buttons for downloading the application and QR codes that are incorporated into the event’s website and advertising material.
  • An automatic function sends news to the brand’s social channels, during the weeks prior to the event and during its celebration, with personalized messages that invite you to download and use the app.
  • Another interesting function is the “social” analytics of the event: you will know how many times the event has been shared on Twitter, Linkedin, etc.

Download Link: Play Store
File Size: 17 MB


For any type of smartphone or tablet, for the world, Google, Apple, Blackberry, the technology that allows Eventmobi, manages the experience of the event from beginning to end. The value of this tool for sponsors is evident: by ROI measurement, penetration, brand valuation, etc.

Keep in mind that event technology must be simple. From branding to content management, this mobile application gives the control that the organizer needs to customize and update their event app. It translates into 15 languages, allows privileged locations for sponsors, even offers demonstrations with Webinars to see how easy it is to operate.

Key Features

  • Event participants can open an invitation from their email or social network and register directly from any mobile device, and will instantly be included in the Event App.
  • EventMobi includes the program, speakers and session profiles, maps and location information, social media tools and complete profiles of participants among other features, so attendees are well prepared for their experience upon arrival at the event.
  • Surveys and evaluations, voting and live results keep the participants involved and engaged throughout the event.
  • It gives participants the option to chat with other event attendees within a private social network.

Download Link: Play Store
File Size: 2.9 MB

I hope, these free event planning tools will help you to organize your party with less effort. If you are aware of any other good apps then let me know by leaving your comment below.

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Founder and Writer @ WinOSBite. Future plan is to make this platform open to community to resolve and discuss various issues, usage related to Operating System.

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